A Misty Moisty Morning

May 30, 2019

A Poem by Karl Bickerstaff

Stanza 1

‘Twas a misty, moisty morning,

And cloudy was the weather,

When Tobias Hrothgar dreamed up

An idea–and together

With Karl and Sames, his valiant friends,

He set out to execute it

With a little daring, a little dreaming,

And a lot of weird conduits.

End of Stanza 1

Stanza 2

They began to scheme and plot,

And soon they had an idea

That would bring them fame and fortune,

(And extra money for pizza).

“Int-er-net presence–that’s the thing!”

Cried Hrothgar to his friends.

So they set out for Glory and Fame

(Still going, there’s no end).

End of Stanza 2

Stanza 3

They thought of trying a Youtube channel–

but there were technical difficulties.

They attempted Universal Telepathy–

Some roadblocks presented themselves.

Stop-Motion? Too tedious;

Skydiving? (where did that come from?)

They’re still working on the plan,

But this is what they’ve done

So far.

End of Stanza 3