The Blark of Snark: A Collaborative Experiment

September 13, 2019

The following is an experiment in collaborative spontaneous poetry by Torfis Teffleman, Tobias Hrothgar, and Karl Bickerstaff. You have been warned.

The Blark of Snark

By Torfis Teffleman, Tobias Hrothgar, and Karl Bickerstaff

Deep in the heart of Snark, my friends,

There lived a kindly blark.

This blark, he liked to snarf, my friends,

And snarf he did through Snark.

Of Snark, my friends, I’ll tell you more:

It might prove beneficial.

Without, this poem will be a bore,

And a good poem is crucial.

Now Snark was quite a mighty land,

Abound with piggledee and kwark.

But most of all, in this great land,

Was our here dear old blark.

One day, the snarfing blark did find

A duckpuppy by a pond.

And, though knowing naught of its kind,

Of it he grew fond.

“Dear vertebrate,” he thus declared,

“Thou art my dearest friend.

And so, as such,” he then declared,

“I’ll keep thee till the end.”

The duckpuppy listened not to this,

And merely snoozed its snoozes.

For it was unaccustomed to this;

Aye, to all such musings.

Though this may be a mellow tale,

Do not let thy hope fail:

For though I now must end said tale,

Tis not of great travail;

It was pretty bad anyway.

The End