An Excerpt from 'The Ingenious Inception'

June 28, 2019

Here is a short excerpt from Tobias Hrothgar’s book in progress The Ingenious Inception, book one of The Recollection of Three, which tells of the founding of The Ingenious Three. More information can be found here at Tobias’s website. This excerpt is not part of the free excerpt which Tobias has already made available at his site. It is exclusive to this post on Ti3’s website until the book is released.


I realized that the tree actually looked nothing like a tree. There seemed to be a pair of loafers at its base. I looked up, and up, and up into the face of a mustached man with a driving cap.

This has been an excerpt from The Ingenious Inception. We hope you have enjoyed it. You will be able to read longer sections when the book is published, which act may or may not take place within the next year.

Karl Bickerstaff

Cover photo by unsplash-logoJulius Drost